Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Vegan Stir Fry with Black Pepper Tofu

Day 2 of my semi-vegan life:
I did have cheese today during lunch.  But I told you I would do this, learn to listen!  But in its defense this cheese is jalapeño and chive goat cheese (YUM) that is from an all-natural farm in Maryland (yay!).  And when I bought said cheese at the farmer’s market last Saturday I grilled the sales woman on how the goats were fed and treated.  And as long as she was not lying things seem to be pretty great for those goats.  

I also had these vegan cookies, and I have to tell you they were surprisingly delicious.  I did not know something sweet and tasty could come without heaps of butter.
My boyfriend told me that being vegan is “bad” for you, and being the wonderful and kind girlfriend I am, I told him “you don’t know what you’re talking about,” and I probably said something along the lines of "stop being stupid," but I’m fuzzy on the details of this verbal harassment I may or may not have done.  For those of you nay-sayer and meat-is-life-sayers here are some links to the health benefits of being vegan.

Everything in life is determined by how you handle it.  So deciding to be vegan the healthy way means I have to make sure I get the nutrients I need from different plant-based food (that was quite the self-absorbed statement).  For those of you who are picky eaters and want to be vegan without eating green veggies or beans, quit now because it will not work for you.  A rainbow of foods is what you should aim for in your daily diet.  And by this I do not mean hot pink Starbursts and neon green Gatorade (gross).  

I highly suggest for any of you that are trying to eat better, but not necessarily vegan, put down anything that is florescent in color.  I.E. doritos, nerds, gushers, etc.  While I have enjoyed all of those foods in the past, I truly believe if you can’t find those colors in any natural foods then you probably should not put it in your body.  Yes there are frogs and caterpillars that are all sorts of bright colors but do you know why?  It is because they are poisonous to other animals (or imitating poisonous animals but you get my point)!  So think of that next time you challenge yourself to eating a whole bag of M&M’s by the end of Duck Dynasty (seriously the best show on television).
So tonight, my vegan meal was black pepper baked tofu and vegetable stir fry with brown rice (yum)!
The tofu recipe I took from my mom who used Martha Stewart's recipe.  But cheeky little Martha did not put the the oven temperature on her website version, so I just left it in at 350 until it looked browned on the edges.  I would suggest cranking it up to 375 or 400 to follow Martha's recipe.
As for the stir fry, SIMPLE!  I cooked garlic and roasted red pepper flakes in OVOO, sesame seed oil, and soy sauce.  Once the garlic is browning I just added my veggies: corn, onion, broccoli, peas, and carrots (all organic).  Make sure they are cooked all the way through (taste test here for it when the are cooked through).
Then I added my brown rice, that I cooked straight from the bag directions.  I added more of the sauces to brown it up a little and voila!  Sorry this post is so long, but I hope you at least skimmed to the end.

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