Tuesday, July 9, 2013

First Vegan Meal

Hello hello everyone,
I have started my journey to veganism.
First, let me admit that I will not be going vegan cold turkey.  I have a lot of cheese products that I bought before my new found knowledge and I am in no position to throw out food that is edible (unpaid internship).  But really no one should do that because it is just ridiculous.  I mean why would you ever waste food for no reason?  Plus, as you'll see if you read my bio section, cheese is and always will be my first love.  So I need to slowly wean myself from our wonderfully delicious, but not vegan relationship.  I know cheese will be okay and find other lovers, I just really hope I can find other items to help me fill the void in my broken heart.
Anyway, back to my first vegan meal.  I made whole wheat pasta with organic cherry tomatoes, organic corn, fresh picked basil (from the plant my mom gave me), garlic, olive oil, salt&pepper, and roasted red pepper flakes.  It was delicious if I do say so myself.  I must admit when looking at my finished dish I thought "big chunks of mozzarella would be perfect in this!"  But I resisted my cheese urge.
On top I added this Parmesan cheese substitute I found here
So here is my first meal (minus the "cheese" because it is yellow in color so made the food look weird but taste delicious!)

 It was so delicious I could not wait to put my leftovers in a Tupperware and pack it in my lunch box for tomorrow.
Then this happened :( I spilled my beautiful, delicious, healthy, vegan meal all over the floor.
I was highly upset because 1. I hate wasting food as mentioned above and 2. I have to make a new lunch for tomorrow.  So then I had one of my new vegan frozen treats and if you love coconut, as I do, then this is the dessert for you!  I had to restrain myself from eating the whole box.  And then I was not so sad about losing my lunch for tomorrow.  So maybe becoming vegan won't be as hard as I thought!

Well de-be-de-be-de-be dat's all folks (Porky Pig Voice).  I hope you enjoyed my first blog post, and will be tuning in for more!  Please post any vegan recipes, stores, restaurants, whatever else you know!

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