Sorry about my extended hiatus; between finals in Spain, coming home, the holidays, moving back to Virginia for school, and starting my interterm class I have been a bit neglectful. But do not call child protective services yet, I promise to pay more attention to my blog in this new year.
For Christmas I got a blender and food processor so be on the look out for some yummy dips and sauces. So far I've just made fruit smoothies but they rock my socks.
I also got 5 vegan cook books, which is actually a lit bit daunting because now I feel like I must impress people with fancy recipes when I get home.
Anywho, I grew up with a strong love connection to mac and cheese from a box; preferably Annie's and NEVER Easy Mac (how that is even considered food I do not understand). I always add peas to my mac and cheese because I love peas and they always fit into the little shells like they were wearing helmets. It was great because you got cheese, pasta and pea all in the same bite. Becoming vegan obviously meant no Annie's.
While I was in Spain my mom found this: Road's End Organics Dairy Free Shells & Chreese. While it is not the same as Annie's, it was pretty good! I put peas in it, obviously, and added some black pepper, roasted red pepper flakes and topped it with nutritional yeast. It was a really nice easy meal for me to have on a freezing cold day where I locked myself inside.
This cold weather is really on my last nerve; I am a woman of the sea, not of the Arctic tundra.
In spite of the cold, tonight I am hosting a Meat-free, Mexican and Margarita Monday for my friends! I am going to make lentil tacos, a giant pot of my mom's secret Mexican rice, homemade tortillas (fancy), guacamole, salsa, vegan raw chocolate fudge (for dessert) and my friend Katie is making the Margaritas.
I wish I had one of my sombreros here (I have multiples at home from claiming it was my birthday every time we went to Chevy's growing up). But even without the sombreros it will still be a fiesta!
Adios amigos!
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