Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Food Reviews of VegFest

Hello all,
I told you I would do more than one post on VegFest UK so here is my review of some of the food items I took home with me.
First let's start with the energy drink I bought from the gals over at Teen Vgn.  They told me it was good and I needed a little pick me up before my Harry Potter Studio Tour.  They were 100% on this; not only was it light and tasty but it is also organic and vegan and full of ingredients I could pronounce!  That is a big win in my book.

Next I have the unbelievable, amazing, scrumptious, best chocolate bar I have EVER had in my entire life!  If I could live off these bars I totally would.  I got to try many of their flavors at VegFest and decided on the "mint hint" bar but seriously every single one was fantastic.  Conscious Chocolate is something you have to try at some point in your life.  Their chocolate is raw, vegan, and organic; where can you go wrong?! (If anyone wants to buy me some of their chocolate for my birthday next week, the 23rd, or Christmas that would be fabulous).

The next snack I bought were these Chimes ginger chews.  Now you should know I adore ginger flavored anything (for the most part).  So when I saw these I had to give it a try, and they did not disappoint.  However, to be honest there was nothing very different between these and other ginger chews I have had.  So just look at the ingredients and make sure you're not eating 50 shades of what is that?!

My final review for today are the inSpiral Kale chips I bought. I tried every flavor they had out, which made my decision on the bag I bought very difficult.  EVERY FLAVOR WAS AMAZING!  I decided on the Raw Baobab and Onion flavor which were so addicting.  Sadly that bag did not last very long because I devoured it all.  I would love some more (hint hint: birthday in one week), but do not have the funds to ship myself copious amounts of kale chips at the moment.  It is a very sad story.

The chips kind of look like what I imagine marijuana looks like.

That's all I have for today's food reviews.  Please remember to try new things, let me know what you like, and food is always a nice birthday gift!

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