
Hello all who read my blog (mom and dad),
I thought I should explain why I am creating this blog so people do not think I am just some angsty 20-something venting about the tragedies of my difficult life; like target not having the body wash I want (heartbreaking).
Now that I am semi out in the real world (I was an intern in DC for the Anacostia Community Museum during the summer and I studied in Barcelona this past fall), I am becoming increasingly aware of how many horrible things are going on around me from politics to pesticides to petrified homeowners with fracking done in their backyards.  At first I thought there was nothing I could do to try and reverse the collapse of the world around me.  But then I started watching documentaries, meeting people protesting the use of fossil fuels, and discussing education with people running for political office.  I then realized that all it takes is for one person to come up with an idea, be passionate about their cause, and set an example.  So why couldn’t that be me?  The answer is: it can and it will be!
While I doubt my blog is going to shake Americans to the core causing them to throw away everything they’ve known to follow me into the dark, I hope it makes some people see that they can make small lifestyle changes to improve the state of our ONLY planet.
So to put it simply, this is my blog about my attempt to become a vegan, become more aware of how my day to day life affects the environment, what I can do to improve my local community’s sustainability (wherever I am), and how I can make this one woman’s quest to save the world become something beyond my computer screen.

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