Monday, September 30, 2013

Copy Cat Fudge

'Ello lovies,
I hope everything is good in your neck of the woods.  Unfortunately, staying with a host family that is expected to supply all my meals, I have not been able to whip up any of my own vegan concoctions.  And I do not really have that many new things to report because I am served pretty much minor variations of the same dishes every day: veggie burger, salad, rice and veggies with a tomato sauce, pasta and veggies with a tomato sauces, broccoli and cucumber soup.  All of which are served with tofu (I guess since I don't eat meat with every meal she thinks I need tofu with every meal).
Anyways, I did not post all my vegan creations before I left the USA because of how busy I was.  So today I have the AMAZING, raw,  chocolate, vegan fudge without any added sugar!  And I can honestly say it was one of the best desserts I've ever made and I love baking.  I made it four or five times before I left for Spain because everyone in my family wanted some.

 But I cannot tell a lie, I used the recipe from Oh She Glows, I did not invent this. 
The walnuts are really key in this fudge.  If you have a nut allergy I would try adding something crunchy you can eat.  What are those things in Crunch bars?  Are they nut-less?  That would probably be good.  Maybe you could try Rice Crispies?  I don't know any good nut substitutes but I do know you need to try this fudge.
It looks like there is salt on it but it is actually the ice crystals reflecting the camera flash.
That is one thing about this fudge that was not really mentioned on the Oh She Glows post; it needs to be kept cold or it will melt and make a mess.
Although now that I think about it, this would be a really good vegan ice cream topping if you did not freeze it.
My mouth is watering at the possibilities.
I really wanted to try it with some caramel and sea salt but never got the chance to experiment that far because I had to leave for vegan-fudge-less Spain :(

On a happier note, I am going to VegFest London this weekend!!! I really wanted to go and no one in my program was interested.  But then I thought, what is the best way to make new vegan friends?  Go to a huge vegan event!  So, with the assistance of my father, I booked my flight and hotel and then I won free tickets to the event from TeenVgn!  This was the icing on what is sure to be an amazing vegan cake.
They also sent me these cute news letters they made.  I strongly encourage everyone to check out their site (teen or not) because they have a really cool thing going on there!
If anyone else is going to VegFest London let me know so we can meet up!
Love ya!

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