Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mac and Cheese, Hold the Cheese

Hello all,
I have a confession: I found love in a cheese-less place!  I discovered a restaurant with my sister that has vegan mac and cheese I would be willing to sell my first born to get the recipe for (well maybe not, we will see if they are cute).  My sister and I googled vegan restaurants in DC and found one UP THE STREET from where I used to live!  How I did not discover it before is slightly heart breaking but probably good for my wallet and waistline. 
Two things you should know about Everlasting Life Cafe: 1. the portions are so huge Agustus Gloop from Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory would be satisfied and 2. it is ALL vegan and ALL delicious for extremely good prices!
When my sister and I went, she ordered the ginger spiced tofu over brown rice with a side of mac and cheese and a side of the curried chick peas (I told you they don't mess around with portions).

 All her food was delicious!  I could not help but try some and it was all mouth watering.
I ordered the fried "chick'n" sandwich and mac and cheese (we seriously could not get enough of it).
Let me tell you, that sandwich was the best I have ever had in my life!  I actually woke up thinking about it (ask my sister it's true).  Whatever the "signature sauce" is that they put on, I would like a bucket full for all of my future sandwich needs.
Sadly, my sister left on Monday night. Tuesday, I woke up to my car having been towed and the water in my building shut off (it eventually came back on).  While this all sucks majorly, my car was taken down the street from Everlasting Life Cafe, SO I obviously had to go there for dinner.
I ordered the shepard's pie, more mac and cheese (duh), and broccoli.  This picture is after I ate half of it (I was salivating so much at the sight of my food I forgot about my need to share this wonder with you all).
So moral of the story is, watch where you park in D.C. and get Everlasting Life Cafe's mac and cheese whenever you can!

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